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CCTV in Operation on these premises notice

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Quick Overview

CCTV Security Notice. Wherever possible, you should make sure that staff members, visitors, contractors, and other individuals are informed about the use of CCTV surveillance. The use of appropriate signage within your premises helps get that message across perfectly, this CCTV in-operation sign gives a clear warning that any person caught stealing or causing damage will be prosecuted as part of your security measures.

Size options: 300x200mm | 400x300mm | 600x400mm (Landscape Notices)

Material guide:
S/A: Self adhesive vinyl sticker. Peel off backing. Apply to clean, dry, smooth surfaces. Suitable for indoor or outdoor display.

M/P: 0.7 White Alluminium Notice. Semi-Rigid easily punched, drilled or glued for fixing. Suitable for indoor or outdoor display.

E/R: 3mm Aluminium composite panel. Strong, hard-wearing, relatively light, and easy to drill and fix on site. Suitable for indoor or outdoor display.

Availability: In stock

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CP212 / CP213 / CP214 / CP215 / CP211